If you are interested in joining we recommend you go through our website and pay particular attention to Why Join and Procedures for Joining below.

If you wish to continue and want to explore joining (which we hope you will) then please fill in your details on this Contact Form.  We will contact you and provide further information.


• You will be joining an honourable international organisation of over 6 million people and a history of over 300 years.
• We will treat you as an equal, making no distinctions on grounds of race, religion, colour or creed.
• You can visit other Lodges in South Africa and across the globe and enjoy the fellowship of new acquaintances.
• You will be guided and encouraged to develop yourself from within, into a stronger, more complete person.
• You gain personal confidence by your involvement in Lodge ceremonies and proceedings.
• You can experience the satisfaction of accepting responsibilities, gaining leadership roles in the Lodge and learning to be confident in public speaking.
• You can enjoy the challenge, joy and satisfaction of progressing to becoming a Master Mason and then to become the Master of your own Lodge, although there is no pressure to take on additional responsibilities, some members simply enjoy being part of a very special organisation.
• You can establish life-long friendships with people who share the same values and spirit of good citizenship.
• You will be welcomed to join in social activities with your family, wife or partner.


The first and most important step is to satisfy yourself that Freemasonry is an organisation you really want to join, and that you have no unrealistic expectations. Freemasonry involves a commitment in time, effort and money. Freemasonry is far more than attending meetings, it is a way of life. You should be aware that some have joined in the mistaken belief that it would give them business or career advantages and have invariably been disappointed and resigned their membership.

There are certain things that are formally required, before an application for membership can be accepted:

• Belief in a Supreme Being. We need to be satisfied that you have such a belief. That belief will, of course, depend upon your own religion. There is absolutely no bias or preference in favour of one religion or another.
• You are male and over 21 years of age. Although in some circumstances, admission can be gained from the age of 18, or if you are a university student you can apply to join Universitas Lodge No. 9917, which is part of our international Universities Scheme Universitas Lodge meets at our Masonic Centre Pinelands in Cape Town.
• Freedom of choice. We need to be assured that you are acting entirely of your own volition, and that you are under no pressure from anybody else.
• You must be of good standing and not have a criminal record.

You will join a Lodge in our District. The choice depends on practical things such as where the Lodge meets and the convenience of the meeting dates and times. We will assist you in choosing a Lodge.


A prospective member will be interviewed by the Lodge Committee. This is not an interrogation. You can ask any questions that may be on your mind, and receive frank and helpful answers. The interview is intended to ensure that you understand the requirements listed above and the following things before you finally make up your mind:

• That you do not have unreasonable expectations in terms of benefits of membership.
• That you have discussed it with your immediate family/partner and they support your decision
• That you know what it will cost, and what is expected by way of charitable contribution.
• That you are in a position to make a regular attendance at Lodge meetings.

If you wish to proceed, and if the Committee are satisfied that you are clear about what you propose to do, there will be a ballot among the Lodge members, normally within a couple of months. Subject to an acceptable ballot, you will be advised of the arrangements for you to join. You should be aware that your application is confidential and you can, at any time, withdraw your application.

Still interested in joining? Then we look forward to hearing from you via the Contact Form below.


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