Phoenix Christmas Charity Bucket Project

During the lockdown, the remarkable Phoenix Lodge No. 1860 at Glencairn (Cape Town) has been very active with charity work. The Phoenix Lodge Christmas Charity Bucket Project commenced in mid October, 2020.

Lodge members and their partners packed 100 Christmas Cheer buckets. The buckets contained a wide variety of goods, from toothpaste to a Christmas muffin, from a hand towel to chocolate.

The charity recipients are four groups of needy people in the Fish Hoek Valley area:

  1. 22 buckets allocated to the safe house of abused women.
  2. 16 buckets for people named by ‘Meals on Wheels’
  3. 41 buckets for those families who qualified for the city’s feeding scheme during the lock-down and verified by CoCT.
  4. 17 buckets to Phoenix Lodge widows and those families known to our brethren who have suffered difficulties in recent times.

Congratulations to Phoenix Lodge for your magnificent efforts. The District Grand Lodge is proud of you.

The ingredients

Ingredients ready for packing

100 buckets ready to go to people in need.

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